Captured Vision Photography

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Canvas Gallery Wraps

Canvas prints come stretched gallery wrap style with the option of either black paper backing, sawtooth hangers and rubber hanging bumpers or hanging wire with an open back.

Hanging wire is recommended for canvases larger than 16x16

Canvas Floats

Canvas floats are wrapped around light weight flat board and come with black paper backing and a 3/4” floater foam block with pre-drilled holes.

Bamboo Panel Mounts

Made from carbonized vertical grain bamboo, Bamboo panels are 3/4” thick sustainable (green) material. With a pre-drilled keyhole on the back, Bamboo panels are ready to hang as soon as the box arrives at your doorstep.

Metal Prints

A modern but dynamic twist to printing! With the latest and greatest in dye  sublimation processing, we’re proud to offer you a brilliant  alternative to traditional printing. With incredible color reproduction and  unsurpassed durability, this product is sure to compliment your work for  generations. Waterproof, UV resistant, and Eco friendly; Metal Prints are more than just Prints!

Contact me for more information and pricing